
Albumin a class of simple, water-soluble proteins that are the main component of blood. Albumin is a constituent in a majority of all blood proteins and is circulated throughout nearly all tissues and organs in the body via the blood.

Analog a compound resembling another in structure, but one that is not necessarily an isomer.

Bioconjugation the irreversible bonding of the biologic and chemical activities of two or more compounds, resulting in a final compound composed of attributes from all original compounds.

Covalent Bond a chemical bond formed by the sharing of one or more electrons between atoms which creates a force that holds the atoms together.

Drug Affinity Complex (DAC™) a ConjuChem-developed technology that features a synthetic modification of a well characterized peptide moiety and yet retains most of its original biologic activity.

Ex vivo outside of the body.

Exendin-4 a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) homolog and an analog for the GLP-1 receptor that lowers blood glucose levels through a distinct mechanism complementary to the mechanism of currently available antidiabetic drugs.

GLP-1 glucagon-like peptide-1, a synthesized peptide used to stimulate production of glucose-dependent insulin and insulin biosynthesis, inhibit glucagon secretion and gastric emptying, and inhibition of food intake.

Half-life the amount of time required for one half of an amount of a substance to be lost through biologic processes.

Homolog a member of a pair corresponding or alike in certain critical attributes.

In vitro in an artificial environment outside of the living organism.

In vivo in nature or within a living organism.

Lipodystrophy a metabolic syndrome characterized by glucose intolerance and changes in distribution of adipose (fat-containing) tissue.

Peptidase Degradation the process of an enzyme catalyzing the splitting of proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids.

Peptide a compound of two or more amino acids linked by the carboxyl group of one amino acid to the amino group of the other amino acid. A long chain of peptides is known as a protein.

Preformed Conjugate – Drug Affinity Complex (PC-DAC™) a natural extension of the core DACTM technology in which peptides are engineered to attach covalently to albumin outside the body.

Recombinant an offspring having a non-parental allele combination; an individual or cell with a genotype produced by recombination.

Subcutaneous located or placed just beneath the skin. 

Synthesize to form something new by the union of simpler compounds or elements.

T-cells a subset of lymphocytes playing a larger role in immune response, produced in the thymus.